Item Points
Question or transition (up to 3 lines) 2
Each additional line 1
Closed yes/no answers 1
Simple numerical answer (e.g., year of birth) 1
Rating with up to 5 possibilities 2
Rating with more than 5 possibilities 3
Left, middle, right rating 2
Scales with 3 and more grades 2
Best of ranking with cards 4
Second and each additional best ranking 3
Answer to sub-questions of up to 5 words 1
Answers to sub-question of up to 2 lines 2
a) Response to half-open question with ≤8 possibilities 2
Each additional one 2
b) Response to half-open question with ≥8 possibilities 4
Each additional one 3
Answer to “please specify” 2
First answer to an open question 6
Each additional answer to the open question 3
Mixing showcards 6
Giving/showing a card to the respondent 1
Per response category on a showcard 1
Filter 0.5
Branching 0.5
For each stated choice question with 2 alternatives 2
For each stated choice question with 3 alternatives 3
For each variable of the stated choice situation and each question 1