Annual Auto VKT Reduced=F*S*G*T*A*C*L
F = bicycle flows on the street to be improved with the bicycle facility or, in the case of a facility not on an existing street, a parallel street (measured as average hourly or daily bicycle counts);
S = seasonal adjustment factor (adjusts the short-duration bicycle count to annual average bicycle trips, accounting for temporal and seasonal variation);
G = growth factor (expected rate of increase in the bicycle count, e.g., 1.0 for a 100% increase in trips on the route; can vary by facility type and length, where sufficient data exists);
T = trip type factor (decrements the increased bicycle count projection by the average percentage of bicycle trips made for recreation; include for more conservative projections);
A = automobile substitution rate (expected rate at which cyclists who did not bicycle on the same route prior to bicycle facility installation switched from driving—or being driven in—an automobile to cycling);
C = carpool factor (reciprocal of the average occupancy for personal automobiles; adjusts for the fact that not all motorists switching to bicycling would have driven alone); and
L = bicycle trip length (produces bicycle kilometers traveled).