Working from home (N=683), Winter 2020/21 (%) Working from home (N=460), Winter 2021/22 (%) Chi Squared (P value)
Family/household activities
Spend more time with family 54.4 57.2 0.350
Watch more TV or spend more time on the internet 47.5 48.6 0.715
Spend more time cooking or enjoying meals 38.3 39.5 0.683
Spend more time on household chores 32.9 39.6 0.020
Personal scheduling / work activities
Work longer hours than before 26.3 29.3 0.265
Wake up later in the morning 35.7 43.5 0.008
I can make my own schedule 16.6 28.0 0.000
Recreational activities
Spend more time on personal hobbies 22.1 24.4 0.365
Walk for exercise 43.1 46.0 0.333
Running or other exercise activities 20.9 19.4 0.536
Bicycle for exercise 17.2 13.8 0.123