Gender Female 71 63,4%
Male 40 35,7%
Other 1 0,9%
Age 18-29 5 4,5%
30-39 18 16,1%
40-49 35 31,3%
50-59 41 36,6%
≥60 years 13 11,6%
Children at home No 49 43,8%
Yes 63 56,2%
Type of office work Case work 12 10,7%
Analytical 100 89,3%
WFH experience (pre pandemic) < 1 day/week 74 66,1%
≥ 1 days/week 38 33,9%
Willingness to WFH in the future ≥3 days/week
≤2 days/week
Work status Part-time 10 8,9%
Full-time 102 91,1%
Housing type Multi-unit 52 46,4%
Detached 60 53,6%
Living in large city, Stockholm or Gothenburg No 65 58,0%
Yes 47 42,0%
Public transport normally used for commuting No 66 58,9%
Yes 46 41,1%