Government Policy Count Proportion χ2-
Male Female Male Female
Creating designated boarding zones at busy intersections/curbside areas 201 204 0.189 0.142 9.727 0.002
Improving sidewalks and intersections at key destination areas 219 234 0.206 0.162 7.462 0.006
Implementing surveillance and security at designated boarding zones 264 417 0.248 0.29 5.105 0.024
Reducing local traffic speeds to improve safety for pedestrians 162 174 0.152 0.121 4.933 0.026
Adding high-occupancy lanes or priority lanes for pooled vehicle travel 201 221 0.189 0.153 5.234 0.022
Providing traffic signal priority for pooled vehicle travel 164 142 0.154 0.099 17.072 <0.001
Allowing for pretax benefits to be used for shared-ride trips 169 171 0.159 0.119 8.04 0.005
Providing a direct subsidy to users who take shared-ride trips 199 218 0.187 0.151 5.346 0.021
Creating tax advantages for employers who have shared-ride programs 197 188 0.185 0.131 13.6 <0.001
Regulating private transportation providers to report safety incidents within shared-ride vehicles 195 293 0.183 0.203 1.465 0.226
Regulating private transportation providers to make service more available in my community 187 201 0.176 0.14 5.84 0.016
Regulating the sale or use of data generated from apps 204 192 0.192 0.133 15.237 <0.001
Regulating fixed fares between more destinations 228 327 0.214 0.227 0.509 0.476
Creating better service connections to rail or bus transit service hubs 238 262 0.224 0.182 6.412 0.011
Subsidizing the cost of shared-ride trips that connect to transit hubs 253 283 0.238 0.197 5.947 0.015
None of the above would make me more likely to share a trip with a stranger 138 351 0.13 0.244 49.924 <0.001