Statistic Mean (From ZIP) Mean (To ZIP) Paired Diff Mean
Pop. Density (people per sq. mile) 17639.78 13073.67 -4566.12***
Transportation characteristics
Drove Alone to Work (%) 42.43% 51.40% +8.97%***
Public Transit to Work (%) 22.19% 18.19% -4.00%***
Median Commute Time (minutes) 30.86 30.84 -0.02
Households with No Vehicles (%) 21.64% 15.51% -6.13%***
Housing characteristics
Owner-occupied (%) 42.08% 51.01% +8.93%***
Single-Family Detached Units (%) 29.45% 42.09% +12.64%***
Family Households (%) 51.67% 58.29% +6.62%***
Households with Children (%) 22.25% 26.26% +4.01%***
Crowded (%) 6.44% 4.99% -1.45%***
Median Rent $2,167.16 $2,079.74 -$87.42
Rent Burdened (%) 38.83% 40.46% +1.64%
Median Rent Burden (%) 25.97% 27.01% +1.05%***
Median Home Value $1,174,821 $1,029,763 -$145,058***
Homes >$1M (%) 56.50% 46.93% -9.58%***
Ownership Burdened (%) 41.59% 39.44% -2.14%***
Median Ownership Burden 19.94% 19.68% -0.26%
Social characteristics
Gini Index 0.48 0.46 -0.02***
Below Poverty Level (%) 9.48% 8.63% -0.85%
White (%) 51.06% 57.86% +6.80%***