Aggregation rules Description Formula Theoretical foundation
Normative rules EWA: Equal-weighted averaging rule Mean value of all episodes \[\frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}S_{ni}}{I_{n}}\] [c@147659]
Information integration theory
DWA: Duration-weighted averaging rule Weighted average value based on the duration of each episode \[\frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}{\mathrm{\Delta}_{ni}S}_{ni}}{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}\mathrm{\Delta}_{ni}}\] [c@147659]
Information integration theory
Heuristic rules End rule Value of the end episode \[S_{nI}\] [c@147664]
James Dean effect
Serial position rule Mean value of the start and the end episodes \[{{(S}_{n1} + S}_{nI})/2\] [c@147662]
Serial position effect
Peak rule Value of the episode with the largest deviation from the mean \[\max_{ni}\left| S_{ni} - \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}S_{ni}}{I_{n}} \right|\] [c@147670]
Bounded rationality
Peak(high) rule Value of the episode with the largest positive deviation from the mean \[\max_{ni}\left( S_{ni} - \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}S_{ni}}{I_{n}} \right)\] [c@147670]
Bounded rationality
Peak(low) rule Value of the episode with the largest negative deviation from the mean \[\min_{ni}\left( S_{ni} - \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}S_{ni}}{I_{n}} \right)\] [c@147670]
Bounded rationality
Peak-end rule Mean value of the peak and the end episodes \[\frac{\left( S\max_{ni}\left| S_{ni} - \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}S_{ni}}{I_{n}} \right| + S_{nI} \right)}{2}\] [c@147667]
Hedonic adaptation/
hedonic treadmill effect
Peak(high)-end rule Mean value of the peak high episode and the end episode \[\frac{\left\lbrack S\max_{ni}\left( S_{ni} - \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}S_{ni}}{I_{n}} \right) + S_{nI} \right\rbrack}{2}\] [c@147667]
Hedonic adaptation/
hedonic treadmill effect
Peak(low)-end rule Mean value of the peak low episode and the end episode \[\frac{\left\lbrack S\min_{ni}\left( S_{ni} - \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{I}S_{ni}}{I_{n}} \right) + S_{nI} \right\rbrack}{2}\] [c@147667]
Hedonic adaptation/
hedonic treadmill effect