Reference Type of battery Number of batteries tested Charging rate of tests Conclusion
[c@49679] 18650-type NMC 21 0.5C, 0.8C, 1C, 1.2C, 1.5C NMC battery degrades significantly on C-rates higher than 1. Battery degrades by 10% and 23% at 1.2C and 1.5C respectively at the end of 300 cycles as against degradation by 7% at 1C.
[c@49681] 18650-type NMC 12 0.7C, 2C, 4C, 6C Increased charging rates negatively affect the lifetime. Charging at rates higher than 4C alters the chemical composition resulting in significant damage and reduction of life.
[c@49675] LFP 3 1C, 4C Capacity degradation is 15% at 1C and 17% at 4C after 4,000 cycles. Up to 1000 cycles, the degradation from both charging rates are similar.
[c@49682] LFP 200 0.5C, 2C, 6C, 10C Experimental results indicated that the capacity loss was strongly affected by time and temperature, but minimally by charging rates.