Sample Sydney High Density Area
Gender Women: 55%
Men: 44.5%
Prefer not to say: 0.5%
Women: 50.7%*
Men: 49.3%*
Age 15 -19: 7%
20 - 29: 34%
30 - 39: 21%
40 - 49: 16%
50 - 59: 15%
60 - 69: 6%
70+ : 1%
Not stated: 1%
15 - 19: 6%
20 - 29: 23%
30 - 39: 22%
40 - 49: 16%
50 - 59: 13%
60 - 69: 10%
70+ : 11%
Employment Work: 65%
Work & Student: 12%
Student: 17%
Unemployed: 4%
Other: 3%
Work: 60%
Unemployed: 4%
Other: 36%
Household type Couple without children: 23%
Couple or single parent family: 33%
Lone person: 15%
Group household: 23%
Other: 1%
Couple without children: 25%
Couple or single parent family: 36%
Lone person: 22%
Group household: 7%
Other: 9%
Household income No income: 6%
$1 - $750: 14%
$751 - $1,500: 17%
$1,501 - $2,500: 19%
$2,501 - $5,000: 30%
$5,000 or more: 15%
$0 - $649: 15%
$650 - $2499: 45%
$2500 - $4999: 24%
$5000+: 7%
Not applicable / Not stated: 8%
Transport mode Walk: 10%
Push bike: 26%
E-Bike: 8%
Car: 10%
Public transport: 45%
Motorbike: 1%
Walked only: 8%
Bike: 1%
Car as a driver: 39%
Public Transport: 33%
Motorbike / Scooter: 1%
Other / Didn't go to work: 17%