Continuous Variable Description Mean S.D. Min Max Percent Sample Size
Trip Frequency The number of trips during a day, in count 4.74 3.31 1.00 18.00 569
Income Individual annual income, in K$ 77.5 85.39 0.00 250.00 597
Discrete Variable
Car Owned* If the respondent owns a car 1; else 0 81.10% 762
Car Reduced* If the respondent had a car reduced during the past three years 1; else 0 16.67% 762
Millennial* If the respondent is aged 18 to 34, 1; else 0 26.96% 738
Gender If the respondent is a male, 1; else 0 54.46% 762
White* If the respondent’s race is white, 1; else 0 52.65% 718
Asian* If the respondent’s race is Asian, 1; else 0 24.93% 718
In/Out SF* If the respondent lives in San Francisco County, 1; other counties in SF Bay Area 0 50.13% 762
Speed* If the respondent’s stated reason for driving is faster access when compared with alternative modes, 1; else 0 77.28% 471
Trip Chain* If the respondent’s stated reason for driving is that he/she has multiple stops during a trip, 1; else 0 40.34% 471
Load* If the respondent’s stated reason for driving is that he/she carries something or travels with children, 1; else 0 63.38% 471
TNC Use If the respondent does not use TNCs, 1; 59.19% 762
If the respondent rarely uses TNCs, 2; 20.34% 762
If the respondent uses TNCs monthly, 3; 8.53% 762
If the respondent uses TNCs weekly, 4; 10.24% 762
If the respondent uses TNCs daily, 5 1.71% 762
Sample Selection Variable (reasons for car reduction during the past three years)
Parking Cost* If the respondent reduced the number of cars because parking is insufficient or expensive, 1; else 0 13.39% 127
Car Cost* If the respondent reduced the number of cars because car ownership is expensive, 1; else 0 18.90% 127
Life Event* If the respondent reduced the number of cars because he/she moved or experienced other life events (marriage, school, divorce, etc.), 1; else 0 12.60% 127
Rare Use* If the respondent reduced the number of cars because he/she rarely drives or he/she has physical constraints, 1; else 0 27.56% 127
Old & Broken Cars* If the respondent reduced the number of cars because the car was old, broken, or stolen, 1; else 0 25.20% 127