Variable description Binary dependent variable Continuous dependent variable
Work from home during Week 2 (base is work away from home during Week 2) Difference in number of trips for purposes other than work (Week 2 – Week 1)
Coeff. t-stat Coeff. t-stat
Constant -0.3529 -3.22 -0.1364a -0.296
Gender (base is Male)
0.3498 5.71 -0.4367 -1.98
Age range (base is Between 18 and 25 years old and Between 36 and 45 years old)
Between 26 and 35 years old 0.1461 2.27
Between 46 and 60 years old 1.0699 3.27
Older than 60 1.9480 2.71
Educational attainment (base is High-school or less)
University degree 0.4909 6.01
Post-graduate degree 0.6844 6.96
Household income [USD/month] (base is Less than 710)
Between 710 and 1,180 0.2209 2.40 -0.5224 -2.70
Between 1,180 and 1,775 0.3657 3.61 -0.5224 -2.70
Between 1,775 and 3,550 0.6821 6.92 -0.7216 -2.92
More than 3,550 0.7081 6.17 -0.7981 -2.90
Employment status (base is Formal dependent worker)
Formal independent worker 0.3046 3.36 -1.2476 -3.84
Informal worker 0.3950 3.12 -1.5096 -3.09
Essential worker status (bases is Not an essential worker)
Healthcare worker -1.6931 -13.92
Another basic service worker -0.8064 -9.52
Household size -0.0397 -2.08 -0.1037b -1.91
Endogenous effect
Work from home during the pandemic NA NA -2.0199 -4.16
Standard deviation of the error term 1.00 (fixed) 5.3971 43.7
Correlation between error terms 0.318 (t-stat: 2.33)