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Widita, Alyas. 2024. “Medium- and Long-Term Impacts of Transit on Congestion: Jakarta’s Experience.” Findings, June. https:/​/​​10.32866/​001c.120125.
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  • Figure 1. Study contexts showing MRT Jakarta route and treated and control corridors.
  • Figure 2. Changes in average delay between treated and control corridors before and after the MRT Jakarta opening.


This study marks the first attempt to examine the medium- and long-term effects of the MRT Jakarta opening on congestion. By employing Differences-in-Differences (DiD) models at six months and one-year post-inauguration, this study reveals the dynamic of congestion relief impact. Specifically, six months after opening, no significant impact was observed during the morning peak hour; however, after a year, average delays in treated corridors decreased by nearly 40%. During the evening peak hour, the same treated corridors experienced congestion reductions from 33.6% to 34.9%. In summary, this study provides novel insights into roadway performance dynamics, emphasizing the importance of continuous transit impact monitoring.

Accepted: June 14, 2024 AEST